THIS AGREEMENT, was originally made October 8th, 1964, between LYON-COFFEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. and LOCAL UNION NO. 304 of Topeka Kansas, I.B.E.W. This contract represents 14 workers currently classified as Forman, Lead Lineman/Servicemen, Journeyman, Apprentice, Groundman, Meter & Materialman. These 14 dedicated employees keep the lights on at 7,315 businesses and households in Anderson, Chase, Coffey, Franklin, Greenwood, Lyon, Osage, Wabaunsee and Woodson counties. Their current headquarters office is located at 1013 N. 4th Street, Burlington, Kansas.
Unit # 304.31
Unit Chair, Open
Recording Secretary, Open
On Call Meetings held in Lebo Kansas
Stewards; Rory Shelter Forman, Matt Hopkins Journeyman Lineman