Outside Line Construction

THIS AGREEMENT was originally made July 1, 1947 between Southwestern Line Constructors Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association, and LOCAL UNION NO. 304 of Topeka, Kansas, I.B.E.W.  This contract represents more than 550 workers in Kansas.  The jurisdiction is the State of Kansas with some exception around Kansas City and Empire property in Southeast Kansas.

IBEW Local 304 members and Outside Line Contractors work on various properties throughout Kansas, the United States and Canada.  Our members and contractors are the Safest, Most Reliable, and Productive in the industry.

Scope of Work

 Wood pole, construction work shall include the digging and backfilling of holes for poles and anchors, by hand or mechanical equipment; the handling, unloading and distributing of all materials; the assembly and erection of all materials and structures including guying, stringing of conductors; and all work necessary to the ultimate completion of wood pole lines, towers, substations, switch structures, or similar wood pole structures where used for the purpose of carrying electric wires, conductors, or equipment.

 Steel, metal, concrete and/or all other materials used for outside construction work where such construction is used for the purpose of carrying electric wires, conductors, or equipment which includes construction or transmission towers, outdoor substations, switch racks, and/or similar electrical structures shall include the following: All excavation work for pads, foundations, anchors, etc; the construction of such pads for foundations: the backfilling and grounding of and around such pads or foundations; the handling, distribution, sorting and assembly of all materials and the erection of all structures; the stringing and installation of wires, cables, and insulators and other electrical equipment suspended from such structures, and the ultimate completion of such work.

Underground installation (wood, tile, masonry, fiber, metal and all types of electrical duct where such installations come under the outside branch of the electrical industry) shall include the following: The excavation and trenching, installation of raceways or ducts, construction of manholes, transformer vaults, and hand holes, backfilling, installation of fish wire; pulling, splicing, and laying of wire or cables installed in the raceways or ducts, or direct burial and all operations required for the ultimate completion of such work.


304 News, Updates & More

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Election Day

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Jan 22, 2025: Unit Meeting Wichita
Feb 13, 2025: Local Union Meeting TOPEKA
Feb 14, 2025: Construction Unit Meeting TOPEKA
Feb 26, 2025: Unit Meeting Wichita
Mar 13, 2025: Local Union Meeting TOPEKA


3906 NW 16th St

Topeka, Kansas 66618

785-235-2301  FAX: 785-235-3342


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